
feature: Looking at the world through a creative perspective, embodying the awkward, and being true to yourself with Clare Beumer Hill

The magical and lush world of Clare Beumer Hill is quite the place to be. The Asheville based artist has an eye for crafting with color and invoking good vibes and warmth in all her work. We were lucky enough to get to chat with her about her earliest art related memories, the ways her personality shines within her work, and a ton more. Read the full interview after the jump!

Tell us about who you are and what you do.
I am Clare Beumer Hill and despite being a full time creative, I am a part time artist. My artwork is primarily paintings at this time and I tend to focus on florals and plants as subjects. I work a 9-5 job that pushes me to utilize my evenings and weekends to draw and paint. I am passionate about curating my little corner of the world, and experimenting with color through painting is one of my favorite outlets for that passion.

When did you start getting into making art?
I imagine a lot of people say this, but I've always loved making art. Some of my earliest memories are of coloring books and water color palettes. The women in my family were all artists and I looked up to them. I went to art school (not for painting or illustration, ha!) and that certainly had a powerful influence on my artistic perspective. It was only a little more than 4 years ago that I started painting with more frequency and putting my work out there.

What's your favorite part about being creative?
I like that I often see things differently. Everything I come across can be a source of inspiration or a piece to a puzzle that only I can solve. I don't know if that makes sense - but to me, looking at the world from a creative perspective is maybe sort of like looking through 3D glasses when everyone else just has low magnification readers.

What's one of your favorite pieces you've done?
Hands down one of my all time favorite pieces that I have done is the wall mural at Garden Party here in Asheville. It was a departure from my usual style and the scale was unlike anything I'd taken on before, but I am so proud of how it turned out. It's also delightful to know that so many people get to see it.

Who/what are some of your biggest inspirations?
My late mother is a daily inspiration - she introduced me to so many of my loves: Vera Neumann, Henri Matisse, caring for house plants, wild and wonderful textiles, colorful gemstones - the list is never ending. I owe so much of myself to her and I try to honor her memory and spirit in my work. She really loved color and I believe that I got that from her. Color is always at the root of what inspires me.

What's some advice you'd give to fellow artists?
I don't know that I'm an authority on anything / qualified to give out advice, BUT I do think there are two things that are essential to creating work that is pleasing to you (because ultimately, you've got to be happy with what you make before you put it out there, IMO). 1. Be true to yourself. Just because you love someone else's work doesn't mean that yours has to be anything like that. Make what comes naturally. That's not to say don't push yourself outside your comfort zone, but get to know your strengths and then go from there. 2. Consume as much art as you can. Go to museums, go to galleries, go to art shows - meet other artists, talk to them about their process. I think it is invaluable to feel as though you are part of a community when you are an artist.

How is your personality reflected in your work?
I like to think of myself as friendly and approachable - and certainly I think that my work embodies those qualities. I also will be the first to acknowledge that I frequently embody an awkward mess and yet generally things seem to work out despite the chaos. Sometimes I think that is how my paintings look - like a semi-organized jumble.

Music you've been listening to lately?
The Harmony of Difference EP from Kamasi Washington has been the soundtrack in my house for the last several months - I can't seem to get enough of it. I'm also frequently playing Natalie Prass, Molly Burch, Big Thief, and Tame Impala lately.

Favorite place in Asheville to chow down?

It's so hard to choose because there are so many delicious spots. Taco Billy in West Asheville is maybe my fave - their queso is hands down the best.

Anything else you'd like to add?
I am always down to collaborate or try something new - so if you like my style and you want to work with me or have me make something for you, please hit me up!

Follow Clare Beumer Hill on Instagram (@cabeumer)