
feature: Cool tats, pickleball, and finding peace in the chaos with Chris Evans

He's a pun master, a pin + patch pro, and an all around cool guy––we're of course talking about Asheville, NC tattooer Chris Evans. We got to speak to him about how he got into tattooing, what inspires him, what he enjoys most about tattooing, and more. Read it all after the jump!

Tell us about who you are and what you do.
Hello my name is Chris Evans and I am the owner and tattooer at Divination Tattoo in beautiful (but don’t move here) Asheville, NC. I also own and operate a company called Pizza Ships selling pins and patches on the internet and in person sometimes.

When did you start getting into tattooing? 
I got into tattooing in 2012 when a friend of mine who I used to take on tours with my old band caved in and agreed to apprentice me.

What do you enjoy most about doing tattoos? 
I enjoy going into every project without a full plan and just make it up as I go. I find peace in the chaos of me telling myself I suck dozens of time an hour.

What's one of your favorite pieces you've done?
I really getting into more surreal imagery. Making things that shouldn’t be feels like a comfortable existence. Lots of eyes and segmented shapes with contrasting images make me happy. I need more people interested in those types of projects.

Who/what are some of your biggest inspirations?
I don’t think I have any singular inspirations. Most of the people who inspire me are the constant creators. The people who seem like they haven’t slept in at least 5 years. The prolific artist that can create something out of nothing with such confidence and ease.

What’re some things you like doing outside of making amazing art on people’s skin? 
I enjoy playing pickleball with all the retirees. They have a great perspective and are supportive of my endeavors. I also enjoy spending time with my wonderful girlfriend and her 7 year old daughter.

Music you've been listening to lately?
It’s kinda all over the place right now. Been playing a lot of Taylor Swift, Synthwave, Tears for Fears, Turnover, Flatliners, Converge and then a bunch of Hardcore bands on my old iPod. Oh also the Macho Man Randy Savage rap album.

Favorite food spot in Asheville?
I do the vegan thing so my favorites right now are Simple and Sunflower Diner. The west side is the best side.

Anything else you'd like to add?
I’d like to give a shout out to all of the creatives that are navigating this quarantine. Let’s keep creating! Also supporting artists is amazing. Start a collection if you can hang things up now because your landlord is a butthole. Put em in a portfolio to enjoy now. One day you’ll have these blank walls to bless up. Rock over London, Rock on Chicago...

Follow Chris Evans on Instagram (@westhanded) | www.divinationtattoo.com