
feature: Exploring humanity, expressing creativity in different ways, and making it up as you go with Abby Crenshaw

Memphis creative Abby Crenshaw has a diverse background and does a lot of very cool different things! We got to interview her about all the interesting facets of her life, where she finds inspiration, her favorite art piece she's done, and a bunch more. Read the full interview after the jump!

Tell us about who you are and what you do.
Heya! My name is Abby Crenshaw and I'm the illustrator behind Heart Over Hand. I have a degree in art education and taught art at a private school for ages 2 years - 8th grade for a couple of years and then announced my resignation in March 2019 to pursue my own art full time. I still teach a few private lessons and am about to start teaching group art lessons at Ixora, a multi-purpose creative space in Memphis owned and run by my friend, Carla Worth. Heart Over Hand is my way of exploring humanity and the connections within it. I like making art with one or more of the following: humor, natural elements, or nostalgic images. Besides my line of prints, stickers, and apparel that I sell at art markets and in my online shop, I also do custom commissions. I do a lot of pen and watercolor pet portraits as well as digital illustration work for brands/companies and other individuals. When I'm not working on art, I'm rock climbing with my friends and circus company (more on that later), playing with my two Siamese cats, or singing karaoke.

When did you start getting into making art?
I got into making art as soon as I could hold a crayon. I filled up notebooks with drawings of horses, dogs, and dragons, and I wrote and illustrated my own stories, always with morals. So, art has been what I'd call an intrinsic need of mine for my entire life. It was (and is) a time to release mental energy.

What do you enjoy most about being creative?
What I enjoy most about creativity is that it encompasses so many things. Literally anyone can be creative, and I can personally be creative in as many different ways as I'd like. As well as being a working artist, I perform aerial acrobatics (silks and lyra) and fire eating with a local circus company, QCG Productions, for private events and public shows. The circus arts serve as a whole different creative outlet than my illustration work. I feel like creativity saves me constantly. If I'm too stagnant and perpetually scrolling my phone or just NOT creating for awhile, I can get really numb. Expressing myself in some way is one of the best ways I've found to manage my mental health.

What's one of your favorite pieces you've done?
My current favorite piece I've done has got to be the mural I painted at the beginning of February 2020 for Carla at Ixora, the space I previously mentioned. I had done a mural before, but this was my first time getting to make a mural with full creative freedom (she basically just said PLANTS) and the ability to take my own, typically small illustration style and subject matter and blow it up into something larger than life. It's one I'm most proud of at the moment and broke down some mental barriers for me about my art.

Who/what are some of your biggest inspirations?
I find a lot of inspiration from the other working artists I know personally in my life, in Memphis, and that I meet traveling, online, etc, including Holden of the Cool Sounds blog (you rock, dude!). I have a great appreciation for art history having been an art teacher and also found a lot of inspiration in children's book illustrations growing up. Now I find a lot of my consistent inspiration from contemporary artists, many of whom I've found on Instagram (yay technology)! Some of my favorite illustrators specifically right now are Stacey Rozich, Laura Callaghan, and Lindsay Stripling. But I also find inspiration from artists completely different from myself like Cj Hendry and Heather Day, as well as people in different disciplines; musicians like my friends Louise Page and Caleb Groh (who is also an awesome artist). Honestly, the best way to live life is in tune with the people you're surrounded by and what they love because it will constantly inspire you on your own creative journey.

What's some advice you'd give to fellow artists?
Advice for all: Find other ways to express your creativity separate from your main discipline or job. For instance, I work as an illustrator but I love to play piano and sing or write poetry to express myself in different ways. If you try to treat your job as your sole creative outlet, things can get kinda sticky, and it's easier to get burnt out. As far as advice specifically for fellow artists, I definitely back the whole "ask for what you want" thing or putting yourself out there. Find the jobs you are interested in doing, and stick your neck out to get a chance to do them. I really do believe that most of the time we do just all make it up as we go. Don't be afraid to do that, and trust your abilities and intuition.

How is your personality reflected in your work?
 I feel like my work just fully IS my personality. I think it's hard to fully answer this on your own since we are in such close proximity to our art and ourselves, so I asked my friend AJ what he would say and his comments were similar to these. My overly analytical brain is reflected in my existential animals and their puns and my Overthinking Cap beanies. He said my work shows my "feely" side as well, which I always say is a main goal: connection and expression of emotion, in my personal identity and my art.

Music you've been listening to lately?
I have been super into Porches lately. The new album is amazing, especially the song Patience. For some older jams of theirs, listen to Country and Goodbye. If I don't have Porches on repeat at any given time I'm probably grooving to Cautious Clay, Bishop Briggs, Still Woozy or dancing to Doja Cat.

Favorite food spot in Memphis?
I love some authentic Mexican food, and my favorite local spot for that is La Guadalupana.

Anything else you'd like to add?
Thanks for giving me the space to share a little bit about myself and my art! I'm honored to write a bit for your creative corner of the internet!

Follow Abby Crenshaw on Instagram (@heartoverhand) www.heartoverhand.com