
feature: Alter egos, finding your voice, and focusing on the process instead of the outcome with Ashley Dreyfus

Meet Ashley Dreyfus, a cartoonist and mixed media artist who lives in Boise, ID who expresses herself through brightly colored fun and squiggly illustrations. We got to chat with her about her alter egos, her favorite piece she's made, inspiring younger artists, and much more. Read the full interview after the jump!


tunes: Marietta - Horse Tattoo


feature: Finding balance, surpassing yourself, and thicc slices of pizza with Jameel Charles

Artist, skateboarder, and photographer––Jameel Charles does it all. The Brooklyn, NY phenom has been doodling and creating pretty much his whole life. We spoke with him about his earliest art memories, biggest inspirations, how you should never stop creating, and a whole bunch more. Read the full thing after the jump!


feature: Repurposing photographs, playing with contrast, and tortellini with Sabbath Zwiercan

Sabbath Zwiercan is a photographer and collage artist in Boone, NC who captures the simplicity and depth of the world all at the same time. We got a chance to speak with him about how he got into making art, what keeps him going, and much more. Read through the whole interview after the jump!